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Hosted by James Conole, CFP©

Ready for Retirement

Weekly videos, podcasts, and articles to keep you up-to-date on all the best tips and strategies to create a retirement that excites you.

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The New Retirement Strategy That’s Changing the Game

15 Retirement Activities That Will Keep You Active and Engaged

The Hidden Danger of Relying on Traditional Retirement Planning

5 Things You’ll Wish You Knew Before You Retire In 2023

Retirement Planning for Singles: Don’t Make These Mistakes

The Ultimate Guide to Working While Collecting Social Security

How Much Does It Take to Retire Comfortably on a $5k, $10k, or $15k/mo Budget?

4 Steps to Planning for Unexpected Expenses in Retirement

The Dark Side of F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

Smart Parents Guide for Teaching Kids to Invest: A Fun and Easy Way to Learn!

The 3 Big Tax Mistakes EVERY Retiree Makes (Real World Examples)

Retirement’s Most Difficult Transition | Why It’s So Hard to Retire