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Hosted by James Conole, CFP©

Ready for Retirement

Weekly videos, podcasts, and articles to keep you up-to-date on all the best tips and strategies to create a retirement that excites you.

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How to Reduce Sequence of Return Risk: 2 Essential Strategies for Early Retirement

How to Reduce Sequence of Return Risk: 2 Essential Strategies for Early Retirement

I have $2.3M in IRAs. How Do I Minimize Taxes in Retirement?

I have $2.3M in IRAs. How Do I Minimize Taxes in Retirement?

5 Dangerous Rules of Thumb to Rely on in Retirement

5 Dangerous Rules of Thumb to Rely on in Retirement

The 5 Biggest Risks to Your Retirement and How to Insure Against Them

The 5 Biggest Risks to Your Retirement and How to Ensure Against Them

How Much Can I Expect To Spend In Retirement with a $2.2 Million Portfolio?

How Much Can I Expect To Spend In Retirement with a $2.2 Million Portfolio?

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Social Security Spousal Benefits

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Social Security Spousal Benefits

5 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 60

5 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 60

3 Simple Ways to Minimize Taxes in Retirement

Here’s When to Stop Saving and Start Spending

Here’s When to Stop Saving and Start Spending

Mistakes Your Financial Advisor Is Making with Your Portfolio

Mistakes Your Financial Advisor Is Making with Your Portfolio

STOP! This Mistake Will Cost You Your Health Insurance Subsidy in Retirement!

STOP! This Mistake Will Cost You Your Health Insurance Subsidy in Retirement!

3 Mistakes Retirees Make Implementing the 4% Rule

3 Mistakes Retirees Make Implementing the 4% Rule