I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in financial situations. I’ve also experienced what it feels like to be anxious about your money.
I grew up in a home where money was tight and finances were a struggle. Without control over your finances, life can be stressful and chaotic, and everyone around you feels it. It can prevent you from doing the most important things in life.
I’ve also seen a lot of bad financial advice. There are financial salespeople out there who will try to give you textbook answers about what you should do with your money to make a quick buck. They’ll have you fill out a generic questionnaire and run your numbers through some basic software, all to give you the same blanket advice they provide every client.
But life isn’t templated.
James Conole
We think you’re pretty cool.
You have your own lived experiences that won’t fit neatly into a box like anyone else’s.
And the truth is, there isn’t a rulebook with investing. With this prescriptive thinking, you’ll work hard and save—only to find that you’re following advice that isn’t helping you live the life you want. There’s not enough out-of-the-box thinking.
This is why I started Root Financial.
What do you want your life to look like?
How we work
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking to make some changes.
Our goal is to help you get the most out of life with your money. Which starts with a simple question: What do you want?
By thoroughly understanding you as an individual, we can plan a course designed especially for your wants and needs to help you plan for a perfect retirement.
Your best self is waiting.
We call our process The Sequoia System: a methodology that starts at your roots and is guided by your why.
Sure, we have the latest technology and highly qualified advisors at your disposal. But none of that matters without a genuine interest in you.
Most of us want simple things: to know we’re going to be okay, live a happy life, and leave a legacy behind we can be proud of. If we’re lucky enough to have the opportunity to help you with this, we won’t take it lightly.