5 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 60 - Root Financial

Retiring comfortably in your sixties is a dream shared by many, but it requires strategic planning and setting essential financial targets. In this guide, we will discuss five crucial financial goals to help ensure a secure and enjoyable retirement.

1. Determine Your Retirement Number

The first step in your retirement planning is to determine your retirement number. This doesn’t mean having the exact amount needed by age 60, but rather understanding the amount required to retire comfortably. Here’s how to estimate this:

  • Estimate Monthly Expenses: Start by estimating your desired monthly expenses in retirement. For instance, if you want to spend $8,000 per month, use that as your baseline.
  • Identify Income Sources: Determine your non-portfolio income sources such as Social Security, pensions, or other streams. Assume you and your spouse will receive $4,000 per month from Social Security.
  • Calculate the Gap: Subtract your non-portfolio income from your monthly expenses. In this case, $8,000 – $4,000 = $4,000, or $48,000 annually, which needs to come from your portfolio.
  • Determine Portfolio Size: Apply a withdrawal rate to estimate the required portfolio size. Using a 5% withdrawal rate (though this is not a specific recommendation), divide the annual gap by this rate: $50,000 / 0.05 = $1 million.

This calculation helps you understand your target portfolio size, guiding your progress towards a secure retirement.

2. Develop Your Investment Transition Strategy

Equally important is having a clear investment transition strategy. This plan outlines how to adjust your portfolio as you approach retirement, transitioning from a growth-oriented to a more conservative stance.

  • Gradual Transition: Instead of an abrupt shift on retirement day, plan a gradual transition. For example, if you are 100% in stocks at age 60 and aim for an 80-20 stock-bond allocation by age 65, map out annual adjustments.
  • Cash Flow Utilization: Assume your portfolio generates $25,000 annually in dividends and interest, and you add $35,000 from 401(k) contributions and employer matches, totaling $60,000 per year. Allocate these new cash flows to conservative assets, gradually rebalancing your portfolio.

This method ensures a smoother transition, reducing the risk of market volatility and significant tax implications.

3. Implement a Comprehensive Tax Plan

A robust tax plan is essential for optimizing your retirement income and preserving wealth. Rather than immediate actions, focus on understanding future tax opportunities and strategically implementing them over time.

  • Tax Planning Checklist: Use tools like a tax planning checklist to prioritize strategies. For example, Roth conversions might be planned for later years, while tax loss harvesting can be done currently to reduce liability.
  • Strategic Implementation: Recognize that tax planning is a long-term process. It’s about taking advantage of opportunities over your retirement span, not just in a single year.

Having a tax strategy ensures you are prepared to minimize taxes and maximize after-tax income throughout retirement.

4. Establish an Asset Protection Plan

Asset protection is vital to safeguard your wealth against unforeseen risks. This involves reviewing your insurance coverages and estate planning documents.

  • Insurance Review: Evaluate health, life, long-term care, and property insurance to ensure adequate protection. As you approach 60, you might find that certain coverages, like life or disability insurance, are less necessary if your assets provide sufficient self-insurance.
  • Estate Planning: Ensure your will, trust, and advanced directives are up-to-date. These documents protect your assets and ensure your wishes are followed.

A comprehensive asset protection plan preserves your wealth and provides peace of mind, knowing you are covered against potential risks.

5. Craft Your Life Plan

The most crucial yet often overlooked aspect of retirement planning is your life plan. Financial preparedness is vital, but so is understanding what you want to do with your newfound time and freedom.

  • Identify Meaningful Activities: Reflect on activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment. Consider who you want to spend time with and the experiences you wish to pursue.
  • Early Planning: The earlier you start thinking about this, the better. It ensures a smoother transition from a structured work life to a more flexible retirement lifestyle.

Your life plan ensures you are not only financially but also emotionally and psychologically ready for retirement, leading to a fulfilling and enjoyable next phase of life.


Reaching these five financial targets by age 60 lays the groundwork for a comfortable and secure retirement. By knowing your retirement number, developing a transition strategy, implementing a tax plan, establishing asset protection, and crafting a life plan, you can look forward to a retirement that is both financially stable and personally fulfilling. Start planning today to make your retirement dreams a reality.